August 2023 Impact Report


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Meet Harold Smith, 6th Grader

Expectations of DSA before you came: I heard the food is good and the teachers are nice.

Favorite subject: Math

Favorite food Mrs. Lee Lee cooks: Chicken strips
Career goals: I want to be an attorney one day and stay in Mississippi.
Favorite sport: Basketball – I’ve been playing in the city-wide league at the new gym for two years now and really like it.

Update from Principal James Cheatham

One thing that can make life challenging is when there isn’t enough space. Maybe you know this from your morning or evening commute, the road isn’t spacious enough for the amount of cars traveling and there you are in bumper to bumper traffic. Maybe you know it from joyful holidays with family and friends in a house that just isn’t big enough for the number of people gathered to celebrate. Maybe you’ve been to a sporting event or concert where they have trimmed down the seat size and there just isn’t enough space to sit comfortably. Whether it is a serious issue or a nominal one, lack of space can be a challenge.
For all the excitement surrounding our new facilities at Delta Streets Academy, one of the best things about it is the amount of space that we have. This newly gained space allows us to run school more efficiently. Here are some examples. The kitchen has more space, which allows for our dedicated volunteers to assist in preparing and serving lunch without bumping into each other. With our cafeteria being so spacious now, we are able to spread tables out to feed all of our students at the same time. It also provides a space for our teachers to sit together and fellowship. The larger classrooms provide teachers ample amount of space to spread students out to better manage classroom behavior. Our restrooms have more than doubled in size to permit guys to get in and out more efficiently between classes.
Our spacious new building has helped make possible a smooth start to the beginning of this school year. We are so excited and thankful! We are thankful to you for your continued prayers for Delta Streets Academy. Pray that by God’s grace and help we will be able to have an impact on the lives of these young men. Pray that they will know Christ and experience a change in their lives and the lives of their families for generations to come. We are so grateful to those who have helped to make these new facilities a reality. We appreciate your support which allows us to do what we do and a place to do it. We ultimately look to our Lord Jesus Christ with hearts of gratitude for providing our every need, above and beyond our expectations, even wide hallways for less traffic jams.
May you know more of the love, grace, and mercy of Christ today,
James Cheatham
DSA Principal
DSA is now set up to receive donations through stock transfer!

Please email with any questions about transferring stock.

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Sarah Waldrop