April 2023 Impact Report

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Meet Yash Malhotra, 10th Grader

What are your plans next year & how do you believe Delta Streets has prepared you? Next year I will be attending the Mississippi School for Math and Science (MSMS). I think DSA has prepared me for this experience by giving me the ability to persevere in anything I put my mind to whether that being academic or athletic. This will be greatly used due to the amount of coursework that I will receive at MSMS.
What are you looking forward to at MSMS? What will you miss about DSA? At MSMS I'm looking forward to the relationships that I create and the various opportunities that will come from being in such an academically diverse setting. I am also looking forward to the challenges I will be facing. Some things I will miss the most from DSA are my soccer team, the friends I’ve made over the years, and the guidance and trust given to me by my teachers and coaches.
Describe how you started playing tennis at DSA. I first asked Coach Howard about starting a tennis team back in my 7th grade year and it wasn't possible due to covid but ended up giving me the chance to focus on playing tennis much more. Fast forward three years later, Coach Howard finally got us into a bracket in my 10th grade year.
Which teacher impacted you the most while you were a student here? All my teachers helped me develop a confident personality, how to be helpful and not be hesitant to ask for help, appreciate all the opportunities I can get, and do my best. But from an MSMS standpoint, I think Mr. McCray has impacted me the most. Mr. McCray has helped me understand complicated math concepts and just enjoy math in general and hopefully pursue a career in engineering that deals with math on a daily basis.
If you could sum DSA up in a sentence, what would it be? Delta Streets Academy is a place where you can grow as a person and build character.
Meet Brad Tisdale, DSA's New Chief Financial Officer

Describe your role at Delta Streets Academy. My core role as a Fractional CFO for DSA is to present accurate financial results for T.Mac and the Board, as well as help streamline the business operations, so they work well for everyone.  My real goal is to give DSA leadership the right information so they can make good decisions about running the organization and propelling the ministry forward.  

How did you hear about DSA and why did you want to become involved? I've heard about DSA from friends at church and in the Jackson, MS community where I live. I wanted to get involved because a gospel-centered education is about the best investment any of us can make in our young people. I prioritize this for my kids, and I want it for these amazing students at DSA.  

Describe a few of your goals for DSA over the next 5-10 years. Success stories are few and far between these days...especially in the Mississippi Delta. DSA has already achieved so much, but the best is yet to come! In the next 5 years, I'd love to see DSA shepherding students from kindergarten through 12th grade.  I'd love for people all around our state and country catch a vision for investing in this important work. The fact that these students and families can get this education so affordably is really the ONLY way this work can be done, so the generous support of Kingdom-minded people is vital to making it happen.

How do you believe Delta Streets is impacting Greenwood and the Kingdom? These students at DSA are choosing the hard road. I love that! Many of us look for the easy way out, but rigorous education, voluntary discipline, and the Christian life are NOT easy! These young men can't do much about where they live or their family situation, but they can be shaped in ways that will allow them to flourish and contribute for the rest of their lives...in their homes, jobs, and churches. The heart...that's where the change must begin, and I believe the people at DSA are modeling a gospel-infused love each and every day into these boys.
Every year, Charity Weekend seems to get better! And this year was no different. We had a sold-out crowd for the drawdown, we filled the golf tournament completely, and we had two flights for the sporting clays event.

The weather was great besides the last hour of the sporting clays event, and we praise God for that! We praise God for the whole weekend!! With the funds raised, we will be able to continue equipping the young men who walk through our doors each day, and next year it will include 6th graders.
I want to say a huge thank you to all our sponsors, individuals who bought drawdown tickets, and those who participated in the golf or sporting clay event. The weekend wouldn't happen without your support. THANK YOU!!
And last but not least, our volunteers who make the whole weekend run smoothly without any hiccups. THANK YOU! At the Drawdown, we recognized our Volunteer of the Year, Jeff Warren, with BFMW Group. We cannot say thank you enough for the countless hours of accounting services you’ve done for DSA over the years!
And above all, we are singing the praises of the Lord, who has gone before us every step of the way. Without Him, we are building this thing on sinking sand. This weekend gives us the tools needed to continue sharing the love of Christ with all those who walk through our doors!
DSA is now set up to receive donations through stock transfer!

Please email gblocker@deltastreetsacademy.org with any questions about transferring stock.

2012 Society

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P.O. Box 9895 
Greenwood, MS 38930

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Sarah Waldrop